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The University Press of Mississippi announces the Mississippi Natural Heritage Publishing Initiative

The University Press of Mississippi announces the Mississippi Natural Heritage Publishing Initiative

By UPM Staff Date: July 24, 2023

The Mississippi Natural Heritage Publishing Initiative supports the publication of books that celebrate the rich diversity of natural life in Mississippi, seeking to educate the public on the value of our natural heritage, and the importance of conserving these resources for future generations. Funded through the University Press of Mississippi New Horizons Fund at the Community Foundation for Mississippi and established with the support of individuals and partner Wildlife Mississippi, the Initiative is dedicated to the publication of new books on Mississippi’s natural history, conservation, and public outreach.

Forthcoming books supported by the Initiative include:

Whether practical guides for the public, lyrical accounts of the beauty of the outdoors, tales of hunting and fishing, historical volumes, or gorgeous photography books, books from the University Press of Mississippi have inspired and educated readers for decades. By supporting the Mississippi Natural Heritage Publishing Initiative, supporters and partners will help the University Press of Mississippi continue to reach a broad audience of readers around the world while sharing the knowledge of recognized experts and scholars in the fields of conservation, natural history, and environmental education.

To learn more or make contributions to the Mississippi Natural Heritage Publishing Initiative through the University Press of Mississippi New Horizon Fund at the Community Foundation for Mississippi, visit our donation page.
